This is a Blackjack card game for Hermes II. The registration fee is $10.
You can register on Olympus by leaving feedback to Lloyd Woodall (#1) with
your Mastercard or Visa number. You can also send a check to Computer Classifieds. All serial numbers are distributed through the support BBS.
1. Put Blackjack Pro v1.2 in your externals folder.
2. I suggest increasing your memory allocation for Hermes about 80k for BJ Pro.
3. Launch Hermes.
BlackJack Pro v1.2
By: David Woodall
Registered To : Not Registered
[P]lay a hand.
[E]xchange $ for time.
[S]how high scores.
[H]ouse Rules.
[C]onfigure BJP.
P: Play Blackjack.
E: Exchange winnings for more time online.
S: Show the highest scores.
H: Display the House Rules of Play as currently set by the Sysop.
R: Register BJP once you have recieved your registration number.
C: Display the Configuration menu (below).
[S]tarting Balance : 100
[M]aximum Bet : 500
[B]lackjack Multiplier : 2
[H]ands per play : 100
[E]xchange Rate : 5 dollars/1 min.
[P]lays per day : 3
[R]eset all Users
[C]lear High Scores
[S, M, B, H, E, P, R, C, Q] :
S: Beginning bankroll that users will be reset to if, it their first
time playing, lose all of their money or sysop resets the external.
M: Maximum bet that a user may place on a single hand.
B: Wager multiplier when a user gets a blackjack. No decimals are allowed.
If a user bets $10 and they get a blackjack, they get $10 * Blackjack
Multiplier ($20 with a setting of 2).
H: Sets the maximum number of hands a user can have per play.
E: Sets the Exchange rate of "money for time". For all money ABOVE THE
STARTING BALANCE, the player can exchange it for more time online.
Setting the value to 0 turns off this feature and removes it from the
user menu.
P: Sets the maximum number of "plays" per day for each user. A play is
defined as either reaching the maximum number of hands allowed, running
out of money or selecting Q to quit after starting play. If you select 0
there is no limit.
R: Resets ALL of the users to the starting balance and resets their plays
that day. Whenever you change the starting balance or plays per day you
would likely want to select Reset.
C: Clears the high scores list.
Other info:
The maximum amount of money a user can accumulate is $1,000,000.
A user will automatically win if they get 7 cards and do not bust.
All other play is based upon standard Blackjack rules.
There are several layers of copy protection in BJP. Do not tamper or delete any of the Blackjack Pro files. This program will work for a 7 day period. During this 7 day period each user can only play the game a total of 3 times.
Until registered you will not be able to change any of the house rules.